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What Ayurveda says about drinking copper water

Updated: Jul 7, 2023

ayurvedic benefits of copper drinking water, copper bottle

It goes without saying that drinking adequate water is quintessential to maintaining holistic well-being. As it is commonly known, the body is made up of 70 per cent water, making it crucial for us to regularly sip on it to maintain a normal body temperature, protect the spinal cord and other tissues, and also get rid of waste.

But, did you know that you can extract so much more from water if you store it in copperware — as water stored in copper containers or copper water, as it is commonly known, has numerous health benefits.

Improves thyroid gland function

Many people do not get enough copper in their diet which leads to thyroid issues due to malfunctioning in thyroid glands.

Cures inflammation

Those with arthritis or joint issues can benefit from copper water as it helps strengthen the bones.

Secures the cardiovascular system

Copper water benefits by promoting proper blood circulation and allowing blood vessels to dilate.

Controls ageing process

It also helps control the ageing process by fighting the harmful impact of free radicals.

Prevents stroke

Aiding brain health, copper water decreases the risk of a stroke as it restricts oxidants from working faster or better.

Aids weight loss

The correct quantity of copper” in the body helps in weight loss “by boosting your metabolism and burning fat.

Assists faster healing of wounds

According to the Ayurvedic expert, washing an injury or wound with copper water cleans the affected area and helps the skin regenerate and heal faster.

Boosts haemoglobin count

Copper is an important mineral that the body needs to prevent certain haematological disorders.

Reduces infections

Due to its antibacterial properties, copper can help reduce infections.

If you are suffering from digestive issues, drink copper water as it removes pollutants and harmful germs, and reduces stomach irritation and boosts metabolism.

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